Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chapter 12

George takes the Thank-You Walk...sounds a little hokey, even I'll admit. However, the basis of this book is rooted in science. Being happy, grateful, etc., releases positive endorphins to the brain, making a person actually happier. And it is not possible to be both grateful and stressed out. So, the Thank-You Walk is "research-validated"?

I'm going to take a Thank-You Walk later today. When I get a chance, I will share how it goes. I challenge all who read this to take a 5-minute Thank-You Walk this week. It could be in the halls, before school, during lunch, during conference period, after school, etc. Or, you could do it outside of school (if you have the time). Taking the Thank-You Walk is the important thing...sharing your experience would be the cherry on the sundae, so please consider!

1 comment:

  1. I lied...I didn't take a Thank-You Walk later that day. But I took one Wednesday.

    Wednesday was a bit stressful. Many of you know I was gone to a conference Tuesday. Most of you know that Mr. Bays had a very busy day in my absence. And though Brad did GREAT taking care of that day's issues, I still had my hands full with student discipline issues Wednesday. So after school I took a brief walk.

    I quickly thought of how thankful I was to have people on staff who can run the building when I am gone. Besides, Brad, Kristen has chipped in on this, and Kurt Long and Brad Hale are booked for some dates in November and December. It's awesome to know that I don't have to worry about building when I have to be gone.

    I thought about my supportive family. Erin puts up with far more than she should! When I have to keep long hours on at the school, it's not like the kids hold a staff meeting and say "Hey, Dad's not here, so let's cut Momma some slack. Let's wait until Saturday, when they are both here, to get a cough and fever." Erin deals with it all and never complains.

    And I thought about the student who, on Wednesday, thanked me for the cookies the Thursday before, and asked when I would be bring more. That brief moment was the highlight of my day, and reminded me why we take such time and energy in our jobs. It took the Thank-You Walk, though, to reflect on this moment fully.

    Get out and walk!
