Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chapters 10-11

We are introduced to two more rules for the "ride of our lives".

  • #2- Desire, vision, and focus move your bus in the right direction.
    • With this rule, Joy reminds us to think about what we want, rather than complain about what we don't want. Focus on the POSITIVE outcome you are seeking!
  • #3-Fuel your ride with positive energy.
    • Within this rule, we hear the parable about "feeding the positive dog".
Take a moment to explain what either of these rules mean to you.


  1. While reading this chapter there was one part that really stuck in my mind. There was a discussion on "The Law of Attraction". The idea was that the more we think about something, the more it shows up in our lives. The author wrote about when we buy a new car and then all of a sudden start seeing it everywhere. I had this experience when I first bought my Mariner. I don't remember seeing them anywhere and thought it was pretty awesome that I had something different. Then, about a week later, it seemed everyone was driving them! Does this mean that I was just more focused and noticed them more? Were they just a newer vehicle that everyone started liking? Was I sending the vibe that Holly bought a cool car and everyone should be like her (JUST KIDDING!!). Whatever the reason, I think there is truth to this. The more we think about something, the more it does show up in our lives. Trying to remain positive and thinking positively will help us obtain the outcomes we are seeking.

  2. "Fueling your ride with positive energy" is an overlying theme for the entire book. With every accomplishment George has, positive energy is behind it, making it a key to success. Having positive energy to me means opening doors to possibilities. Those who are negative or who have "negative energy" are limiting themselves with what they can accomplish. It is often easy to see the negative aspects of a situation, but as Joy says in chapter 11, you have to transform the negative energy into positive and find the good in every situation. When I have positive energy, I feel better overall and I think the people around me feel better too!

  3. I think "feeding the positive dog" has to do with continuing to be positive which can lead positive outcomes in the future. Also, if you can feed the positive dog, when something comes up that may not be what you want or cause adversity, if you have been thinking in a positive manner, you will better handle the situation. This is like a positive snowball effect!

  4. I like "feeding the positive dog". I think if you are continually thinking and acting positive, your outlook is better and when something negative happens, you won't be as negatively effected by it. It may not even seem negative. I also think that others will "feed" off of your positive behavior.
