Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chapter 21-22

"The goal is not to be better than everyone else but rather to be better than you were yesterday."

What do you hope to be better at tomorrow?


  1. I hope to be a better wife, mother, and teacher. I sometimes get bogged down in all that I am doing and forget to enjoy the small victories, of which there are many. I want to be a better wife, mother, and teacher, and enjoy the daily progress I make in those areas.

  2. Self-discipline. I used to think of myself as somewhat structured...I'd set a few short term goals, and then work hard to achieve them. However, I've fallen from that path. Now, whenever I have a goal in mind, the simplest of things can stand in the way and I automatically give up. I lose the energy and desire to continue. Tomorrow, I hope to regain my self discipline to make sure I start achieving my goals.
